Shipping cost cannot be calculated: the item location is different from the site

Updated on May 31, 2024

Complete error description: “Shipping cost cannot be calculated since the item location is different from the site. Use flat-rate shipping. ErrorCode: 21916496′.”


The error “shipping cost cannot be calculated since the item location is different from the site. Use flat-rate shipping. ErrorCode: 21916496” means that there is an inconsistency in your Item location and Postal code.

Item location must be consistent with your Business Policies, otherwise, eBay will reject your listings and you won’t be able to sell your items.


There are two ways to sort this error out:

  1. Change the item location.
  2. Set a Flat Shipping Policy.

1 Change your store item location​

Let’s say your eBay account is US-based, but the item’s location is in China.

To list on eBay, you need to change the item location to the USA and provide its postal code. 

To do so, you need to:

  • Access your eBay personal area.
  • Go to Settings.
  •  Select Addresses
  • Change here the info related to your business location
  • Go back to Nembol and retry the publication.

2 Set a Flat Shipping policy

If you cannot change the item location, alternatively, you can use a Flat Shipping policy, which enables you to set a fixed shipping cost for all buyers, regardless of their location. By using flat shipping, you can still use Nembol to bulk list on eBay.

Check the resources below to understand what this implies, and how to create a Flat Shipping to associate with your listings.