Quantity sync

Updated on July 15, 2024


Checklist before using the Quantity Sync

Here are some important points about the “Quantity Sync” in Nembol.

Make sure you set everything up correctly before starting to sync your items. 

Products must be listed or linked via Nembol

It is not enough to connect a channel to Nembol, and activate the sync to have your items’ quantity synced. 

  • If you have your products only on 1 channel, you should import them in Nembol, and LIST on more channels.
  • If you have products on many channels, you should LINK (connect) them for the Sync to work properly.

Channels must stay connected to Nembol

Inventory sync across channels works only when those channels are connected to Nembol. Please see the screenshot below.

Inside the Channels tab, on the left side of the screen, you can see your connected channels. Sync can be set for these channels. 

If you disconnect a channel, by clicking the “Disconnect” text inside the channel section, you will stop the connection between Nembol and this channel. Therefore, Nembol will no longer receive updates from the disconnected channel, and Sync will not work.

When you are not logged in, sync does not happen and cannot be updated even if you log in later: sales sync is lost forever and will require a manual update.


Inventory sync is for sales only

Quantity sync works only upon sales.

If you edit your quantity in eBay, or Amazon, or Etsy, or WooCommerce, — Nembol has no way to know that. This edit will not be transmitted to Nembol, nor to other channels. 

Exception is Shopify: Nembol supports edits done in Shopify. Read here more. 

Therefore, quantity sync mission is to sync your stock UPON THE SALE in some channel to Nembol, and to other connected channels. 

How to restock items correctly?

If you need to restock items, do it either in Shopify (if you are a Shopify user) or directly in Nembol.

Here are some guides to set up restock correctly:

Quantity sync towards Nembol

How to activate 'Quantity sync towards Nembol'?

  1. Go to your Channels tab.
  2. Click on Sync settings.
  3. Select which channels will update Nembol stock upon order receipt.
  4. Now, if you get a sale on this channel, it will be communicated to Nembol, and shared on your other connected channels.

How to deactivate 'Quantity sync towards Nembol'?

  1. Go to your Channels tab.
  2. Click on Sync settings.
  3. Unselect which channels will NOT update Nembol stock upon order receipt.
  4. Now, if you get a sale on this channel, it will NOT be communicated to Nembol, and will NOT be shared on your other connected channels.

Please note: by turning the "Quantity sync towards Nembol" OFF in channel "A", — you will stop the stock updates from channel "A" to Nembol. But you will not stop sync from Nembol to the channel "A"

How to activate inventory sync TO channel?

Inventory sync to a channel is always ON when that channel is connected to Nembol.

For example, if you turn the “Quantity sync towards Nembol” OFF in Shopify, but ON in eBay:

  • If you get a sale in Shopify, this sale will not change the quantity of that product in Nembol, nor in other channels.
  • If you get a sale for the same product on eBay, this will be reflected in an inventory reduction for that product in Nembol and in all connected channels, including Shopify of course.