Link function


Checklist before using the Link function

Please note: in order to link, products must have 100% matching SKU codes on all channels. If they have not, you can use our bulk editing tools to adjust the SKU codes.

Make sure your products in all channels you wish to link have the same:

  1. Variations with same identical SKU code per variation
  2. Hierarchy. Meaning if you have 1 parent and 2 children on channel “A”, you should have 1 parent and 2 children on channel “B”

Please note: Link function is available for users on Nembol Pro Plan or higher

Link function

How to activate the Link function?

If you checked our checklist before using link, and everything is fine, you’re ready to link. Follow those steps:

  1. Connect your 1st channel, adjust your import settings. Check here how to connect and setup your channels ->
  2. Run import from this channel by clicking the “Import” button in the upper right corner of your Products Tab
  3. You’ll see your imported products marked as “imported”
  4. Connect your 2nd channel, adjust your import settings
  5. Run import from your second channel by clicking again “Import”
  6. At this stage, Nembol will recognize the products on the basis of matching SKU codes, and LINK them, not import them twice
  7. Once linked, Nembol will keep their inventory in Sync, every time you receive an order on any channel, or restock items in Nembol, or Shopify

Please note: the first channel you import from will determine the main content. If you switch the “Edit from Nembol” ON in a linked channel, Nembol will align content over time. So if you have differentiated product content on your channels (different titles, or descriptions), keep the "Edit from Nembol" OFF to keep such content independent.

How to check if products are Linked?

You will see the “Linked” products in Nembol’s Products tab  with multiple channel icons attached – Please see the screenshot below


If your listings do not link:

  • Please double-check that your SKU codes are IDENTICAL.
  • If they are NOT IDENTICAL, fix it by following the steps:
  1. Delete products with different SKU codes from Nembol.
  2. Fix them in the source channel(s). Make sure same products have same SKU codes, variations, same hierarchy.
  3. Import in Nembol again.

How to connect products on specific channels

How to connect eBay SKUs with Amazon, Etsy, Shopify?

eBay has no mandatory SKU code field. Therefore, your eBay products might not have a SKU code.

You have to type in the SKU code before importing from eBay to be able to link your listings through Nembol.

How to connect Etsy SKUs with Amazon, eBay, Shopify

Etsy doesn’t require sellers to use SKU codes. But you need SKU codes to link products with Nembol. Let’s see how can you easily add them to your Etsy listings.

One way is to manually add them in your Etsy backend before importing them to Nembol:

  1. Open your Etsy
  2. Manually add the SKUs to your products on Etsy
  3. Open the Channels tab in Nembol
  4. Connect Etsy, adjust the “Import” settings
  5. Open the Products Tab
  6. Click “Import” to run the import
  7. Your products will link 

Another solution is to import from Etsy first:

  1. Go to the Channels tab
  2. Connect your Etsy, and adjust the “Import” settings
  3. Open the Products Tab
  4. Click “Import” to run the import
  5. Nembol automatically adds random SKUs if you don’t have them
  6. Once your products are on Nembol, download them as a CSV and use Excel or Numbers to quickly add the same SKUs you have on other channels. Almost every marketplace and ecommerce let you download a CSV of your products
  7. Once done, submit the CSV to Nembol to bulk-edit your products
  8. Connect more channels, and run import from them

Linking Amazon items

So far, linking products with Amazon has been quite complicated.

The main reason is that Amazon doesn’t return parent products with their variations on the import. Rather, it will import to Nembol single variations as alone standing products. This will make it almost impossible to link those items with the ones you import from other channels.

In other words: you can link items on Amazon only if they don’t have variations.

The good news is that Amazon is releasing new APIs, and we hope they will be able to solve the problem. By October 2021, latest.