How to upload digital files to Etsy

Updated on May 22, 2024


Import products to Etsy in bulk

Currently, Nembol does not work with digital products. However, you can still transfer your listings in bulk on Etsy and attach the digital file afterward.

  1. Connect the source channel (the one you want to import products from).
  2. Connect Etsy to Nembol.
  3. Set your “Publish” Etsy settings.
  4. Open the Product Tab.
  5. Select the products to list.
  6. Click on Publish > Etsy > Publish Products.
  7. And you’re done!

How to upload digital files to Etsy

Whether you have listed manually or using Nembol, you can still attach your digital file once your products are on your Etsy backend.

  1. Open your product.
  2. Scroll down to the “Details” Tab.
  3. Next to “Physical Listing” Click on “Change“.

4. Switch it from “Physical item” to “Digital files“.

change Etsy listing from physical to digital

5. Confirm your choice by clicking on “Yes, Apply“.

6. Scroll up to “Digital Files” to upload the downloadable file.

7. Click on “Publish Changes” to confirm.

8. You’re done! Check your Active Listing folder if your listing has the “Digital” label!