eBay The UPC/ISBN field is missing. ErrorCode: 21919301

Updated on May 27, 2024

Full error name: “eBay The UPC/ISBN field is missing. Please add UPC to the listing and try again. ErrorCode: 21919301. The UPC field is missing. EAN has an invalid value of. Please try again. ErrorCode: 21919302. The EAN field is missing. Please add EAN to the listing and try again.


Since ISBNs/UPCs are not mandatory on eBay (excluding certain product categories, such as books), error 21919301 is probably due to an incorrect category placement.


Leave the barcode field empty

Make sure you have left the barcode field blank and retry.

Change the category manually

Try editing the listing and publishing it by changing the category. To change the category:

  1. Open the Products tab.
  2. Click on the product in error.
  3. Click on “Edit”.
  4. Choose a category similar to the one you were trying to list your product in, and type it in the category field.
  5. Save changes.

If you succeed in publishing it, you can change the category on eBay soon after.