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Frequent how to

You can sync only quantity and keep the other aspects of Product content independent. Here is how:

  • Quantity sync towards Nembol: choose channels that will update Nembol stock upon order receipt.
  • Content update from Nembol: Choose what channels should get their content edited when you make a change in Nembol. Unselect to keep product content independent.

When you need to change the quantity, you should decide where to make your changes and set the settings accordingly.

We suggest the following combination of settings to avoid Nembol and Shopify overwriting each other:

Option 1: Make your edits in Nembol

  • Leading channel: Shopify OFF
  • Content update from Nembol: to Shopify ON
  • Content update from Nembol: to Etsy ON
  • Content update from Nembol: to eBay ON
  • Content update from Nembol: to others ON

Option 2: Make your edits in Shopify

  • Leading channel: Shopify ON
  • Content update from Nembol: to Shopify OFF
  • Content update from Nembol: to Etsy ON
  • Content update from Nembol: to eBay ON
  • Content update from Nembol: to others ON

Sellers have the possibility to choose the specific channel to which traffic will be directed from social media posts. 

To do this, the merchant must go into the social media settings and, in the Backlinks section, choose which of his channels he wants his posts to link to and drive traffic to.

Backlink option is available for Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr.

To change the email associated with your Nembol account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Nembol account.

  2. Click on the settings icon at the bottom left.

  3. Go to the “My Profile” section.

  4. Under “Email”, update the email associated with your profile by clicking “Change”.

To change your password, please:

  1. Log out of Nembol
  2. Click the Forgot password button in the Login panel.
  3. Enter your email address and click Send.
  4. Check your email for a message from Nembol with a Reset password link.
  5. Click the link and follow the instructions to reset your password.

To remove one of your shops, the service you need is a Channel Reset, a paid service performed by us at a cost of $20 per channel (feel free to check our Plans and Pricing page).

Before proceeding, please ensure to delist and delete the products imported and listed in that channel, as well as resolving any errors.

To transfer orders from Etsy to Shopify using Nembol, ensure the following:

  • Both your Etsy and Shopify channels are connected.
  • The product exists on both channels.
  • The product is correctly linked to both channels within Nembol.
  • The order is recorded in Nembol.

If any of these conditions are not met, check and update those conditions.

Fix a problem

Some platforms, for example, Google drive images don’t return the photos, even if the link is shared with everyone.

Solution: Make sure the host of your images provided an open access.

We are sorry to hear that your Etsy account has been suspended. We are a listing software for multichannel retailers, and we do not have any information about your suspension. We also cannot offer support on behalf of Etsy.

We suggest that you contact Etsy directly to inquire about the reason for your suspension. They will be able to provide you with more information, and help you resolve the issue.

As a listing software, the only thing we can do is export your listings and upload them to a new Etsy account or help you recover your old listings to start with a new store on a different marketplace.

However, it is important to note that we cannot prevent or overcome any channel action. This means that if the channel where you were suspended detects the new account, there is a chance that the new account could be suspended again.

Nembol retrieves orders a seller receives on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Shopify, TikTok Shop, or WooCommerce, which are in status “Paid” or equivalent status, such as “Ready to Ship“.

Nembol does not retrieve orders in “Waiting for payment” status. If one or more of your orders in Paid status are not visible in your Orders Tab, this is typically due to a chain of two causes:

  1. The channel on which you received the order was not connected to Nembol when the order happened.
  2. The channel was not subsequently connected to Nembol within the 24 hours following the order date and time.

In fact, Nembol recovers orders from a channel within minutes, and often seconds, after the order was placed, but checks back every few minutes for orders missed during the previous 24 hours. This mechanism grants a useful backup and double-check. For instance, it enables Nembol to collect orders that in the previous 24 hours changed status.

Nembol functions

Nembol “Import” will not create duplicates in your Nembol account. Nembol will only import items which are not in Nembol.

If you run the import twice, Nembol will get:

  • New items in the source channel.
  • Old items in the source channel, which have been deleted from Nembol.

The above is designed to enable users to correct items in the source channel and import them again.

  • The SYNC function. Available on all plans. Designed to keep aligned the quantities of your products. Allows aligning the stock of products both listed via Nembol, and imported + LINKED.
  • The LINK function. Available on Pro and higher plans. Allows you to recognize and connect products that are already listed on your channels by their SKU codes.

If you already have the same product listed on multiple channels, by running an import from all your channels, Nembol will recognize and link products by their SKU code. Once products are linked, the system can be able to sync their inventory across all the channels.

Nembol is no-currency, but with Nembol you can have different prices per channel, and this feature is used by many sellers to convert prices of listed products across channels.

To do it, please:

  • Use the Automated price adjustment command in the destination channel “Price rules” settings in Nembol Sync Settings and define a % increase or decrease in price as needed, given the approximate exchange rate.
  • You can also set Nembol also to round your prices at the nearest .99, so that you will not have ugly broken prices after conversion.

This method is better than a price converter because, with it, prices on the destination channel do not change every time the exchange rate changes (which would happen daily, confusing your customers and your own marketing).

With Nembol Automated price adjustment, prices on the destination channel will in fact change every time you edit them in Nembol or on the source channel if Etsy or Shopify.

Please test with one product first, to make sure you got the conversion % right! 🙂

At this stage, Nembol doesn’t manage eBay item specifics, however, you can bulk-add them directly on eBay after listing your products with Nembol.

Please read here more ->

Nembol currently does not associate a picture with a specific product variant.

Let’s say your product on Shopify has 3 variants with 3 pictures, Nembol will pull the 3 pictures, but it will not associate them to variation.

After publishing on Etsy or eBay (or any channels that support pictures per variants), the 3 variation pictures will be published as general product pictures.

Currently, Nembol does not support Etsy attributes. Each Etsy category has its own set of unique attributes, and integrating all of them would require incorporating a vast number of attributes to cover every category. This complexity is why we do not offer support for Etsy attributes at this time.

Nembol does not have a native currency feature and does not transfer currencies between listings. The price field in Nembol only accepts numeric values without specifying a currency.

Here’s how currency is managed in Nembol:

1. Listing Currency: Each seller can set the currency for their listings on their chosen channels. This setting is defined by the seller in the settings of each channel. Nembol itself does not handle currency conversions. Sellers can manage currency differences using price rules, as all channels in Nembol operate with a single currency.

2. Dashboard Currency: The currency displayed in the Nembol dashboard (Analytics tab) corresponds to the currency in which the majority of your orders are received. This area provides a summary of orders, products sold, and other key metrics. To avoid confusion, Nembol displays orders in the most common currency across all your channels. For advanced sellers dealing in multiple currencies, this may lead to an underestimation of total sales, as Nembol does not currently support currency conversion.

3. Public Display Currency: The currency shown to the public on a seller’s Easy Website is set by the seller in the Easy Website settings.

By keeping the platform simple and avoiding currency conversion, Nembol aims to provide a straightforward and user-friendly experience.