
Updated on May 23, 2024


Notification switchboard

Sellers can customize to their individual needs the email notifications sent by Nembol into their inbox.

Nembol personalized notifications are designed to provide sellers prompt information about their e-commerce activity. Mainly their inventory ups and downs, at the time being.

Setting up Nembol notifications has several advantages:

  • Optimize inventory management.
  • Restock best-selling items in due time.
  • Reduce errors and stock-outs.
  • Minimize unwanted email messages.

How to customize your notifications?

To manage automated notifications follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Nembol account.
  2. Click on the Settings icon at the bottom left.
  3. Go to Notifications section.

Screenshot 1: Here you can customize your alert preferences for Restock, Sold-out, and Activities.

Restock alert:


In this section, you can define a number of items, which will effectively be your restocking threshold. When the inventory of any SKU (i.e. any product or its variation) hosted in Nembol drops at or below this threshold, Nembol will notify you with an email alert.

To activate the Restock alert, please tick the “Mail” radio button.

Sold-out alert:

Customize Sold-out notifications, if you want to be alerted when it is time to restock your inventory.


Product sold-out

In this section, you can enable notifications that will promptly alert you when the inventory of any of your products – with all of its variants – goes to zero (i.e. the product becomes sold-out).

To activate the Product sold-out notification, please tick the “Mail” radio button.

Variant sold-out

In this section, you can enable notifications that promptly alert you when the availability status of any single variant of one of your products becomes out of stock.

To activate the Variant sold-out notification, please tick the “Mail” radio button.

Activities alert:

Customize Activities notifications to be alerted in real-time on the status of your import activities into Nembol.


Import process completed

In this section, you can enable notifications that alert you when the import queue process reaches its completion.

To activate the Activities notification, please tick the “Mail” radio button.

Please note: If a variant goes sold-out, and the product at the same time, you will receive just one email alert, not two. Nembol will not send you double emails to save your inbox.