Invalid Shipping Data

Updated on May 29, 2024

Full error name: “Invalid Shipping Data


You need to revise your weight and dimension details to comply with the chosen shipping method.


Visit the Etsy dedicated page to understand the requirements for each shipping service.

Please note that:

  • The maximum weight allowed is 70 lbs, with a limit of 16 oz for USPS First Class Package Service and 4 lbs for USPS First Class International Package Service.
  • The length should be the largest dimension.
  • Choose a shipping option that is suitable for your item’s weight and dimensions.

If you have a product that doesn’t comply with the shipping service requirements, please, do the following:

  1. Go to Channels tab.
  2. Open the Etsy’s Publish settings in Nembol, and pick a flat shipping profile.
  3. List the items in errors.
  4. Once products are listed, open this product on Etsy, and assign the calculated shipping.

In this way, you can see in real-time what values Etsy requires you to edit in order to associate your listings with the calculated shipping.
