The item location of this listing is outside your home country

Updated on May 31, 2024

Full error name: “The item location of this listing is outside your home country. eBay requires sellers to accurately describe where the item is located, as well as upload tracking for successful transactions


According to the error “The item location of this listing is outside your home country“, eBay replies that your business is not in the country you have chosen in your policies. The URL contains the description “item-location-misrepresentation”.

eBay for some reason thinks you are misrepresenting the location of the items or of your business.

It may be that your IP number or some of your other information provided is confusing eBay systems.

Read here what is eBay item location and how to change it ->


Check this page to view eBay policies on item location.

They say your item location description must be consistent across your eBay account.

In order to solve it, double-check your “my eBay” and your policies and make sure they are consistent.

Check your several postal addresses listed on eBay in several places and make sure they are consistent with the ship-from address, and with the Postage and Return business policies, your IP number, etc. 

For some reason, eBay is preventing you from listing because, apparently, some of this information is inconsistent.