Your eBay Business Policies are incomplete or outdated 737

Updated on June 3, 2024

Full error name: “Your eBay Business Policies are incomplete or outdated. Please update them. Please enter a valid postal code. Error code: 737​


In order to list on eBay, you should be opted-in for Business Policies on eBay, and pick valid flat or calculated shipping in your eBay settings. 

Let’s figure out how to set up correctly, and fix this error.


In order to use Nembol, you need to:

1. Be opted-in for Business Policies on eBay
Some users don’t use business policies on eBay. Unfortunately, their use is mandatory if you want to use Nembol to list on eBay.

To find your eBay business policies:

  1. Access to your Account Settings (on the high left corner of the page).
  2. In the “Selling link” pick “Business Policies” to access your policies’ backend.

2. Use a flat shipping policy or a calculated shipping policy

To list on eBay, you need to use a shipping policy.

If you use calculated shipping, make sure:

  • Your products have weight and dimension.
  • To provide your inventory Postal Code.

3. Update your business policies

After connecting your eBay account to Nembol, you need to update your business policies:

  1. Access your eBay policy manager.
  2. Identify the 3 policies you want to use as default on Nembol.
  3. Click on the “Edit” button next to the first one. You will open the Policy editor. Here you can change some detail on your policy, or simply click on “Save”.

By saving, you will update your policy (make sure the update is completed by looking at the status “updated successfully”).

Repeat for all 3 policies (shipping, returns, payments).

Once done, go back to Nembol and select them in your eBay settings:

  1. Access your Channels tab.
  2. Click on the setting button next to the eBay icon.
  3. Go to Publish settings.
  4. Select one of your policies of each kind: Payments, Returns, Postage.
  5. Save changes. 

4. Relist your products

Now that you have finished setting your eBay business policies, you can relist your products on eBay:

  1. Go to Products tab.
  2. Opening the products in error.
  3. Click “Save” to retry the publication.

Once listed, you can sync the inventory of your products. 

If the error remains:

Create 3 new policies (even with the same data of the ones you already have) to associate with Nembol. This works 100% of the time.

Make sure you're not using a calculated shipping policy. Select a Flat business policy in the Nembol settings, and retry the publication. Don't worry, you can bulk assign a calculated shipping policy directly on eBay after publishing your products with Nembol.

If you were already using a flat business policy, try to delete some of your outdated policies. Create 3 additional policies from scratch to be used and associated with Nembol.