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Errors with listings
Errors with listings
Updated on July 24, 2024
Shopify policies do not allow listing products from a Shopify store to another Shopify store
Shopify Invalid Server Error
A shipping profile id is required for physical listings
Generic error
I logged in but I cannot publish
You can't publish a product with quantity equals to zero
Shipping profile name does not match the shipping profile type
This listing has no associated images
You can’t add or remove variations from Etsy
All combinations of property values must be supplied
My inactive Etsy variations have been imported / listed on channels
Quantity cannot be greater than 999
Sorry, this item is unavailable
Etsy shipping profile: ZIP code is invalid
Why do I see fewer pictures on Etsy compared to Shopify?
Shipping profile entry has an invalid secondary cost
Could not set a calculated shipping profile to the listing
Invalid Shipping Data
Oh dear, you cannot sell this item on Etsy
Right Shop Section, wrong Category
The title can not be all capital letters
Why my listings have been imported / exported in English on Etsy?
Shipping Template: Field contains an invalid value
XML Parsing Error
At least one valid postage service must be specified. ErrorCode: 21915469
Your eBay Business Policies are incomplete or outdated [37]
Listing titles are limited to “80” characters. ErrorCode: 70
The item location of this listing is outside your home country
This listing would cause you to exceed the number of items you can list. Error: 21919188
Your eBay Business Policies are incomplete or outdated. Error code: 737
No Offline Payments selected for the site you are listing on or for the category selected
Bulk change the flat shipping policy to a calculated one
eBay The UPC/ISBN field is missing. Error 21919301
Please specify a valid return policy. ErrorCode: 21916328
The variation name you have specified is not allowed. ErrorCode: 21916672
Why my listings are removed when they sell out
Shipping cost cannot be calculated since the item location is different from the site. Use flat-rate shipping. ErrorCode: 21916496
Duplicate custom variation label
Invalid value provided for Weight. Enter a value between 0 and 999 gm. ErrorCode: 715
Style is not allowed as a variation specific. ErrorCode: 21920061
The provided condition id is invalid for the selected primary category id. ErrorCode: 21916883
You’ve provided an invalid payment policy. ErrorCode: 21917328
Images are not associated with each variation
Duplicated description in Nembol
Problems saving pictures in WooCommerce
Error getting remote image. Unrecognized encoding type
You are not allowed to create resources
Invalid or Duplicated SKU
Meta Commerce (Facebook Catalog)
Calls to this API have exceeded the rate limit (613)
No pictures on Facebook posts
This content isn't available right now
How to post products to a specific Facebook Page
Products need GTIN or MPN or brand
I cannot see my products on Facebook Catalog
Property additional_img_link doesn’t contain the correct number of elements
TikTok Shop
Couldn’t use or obtain category information as this is an invite-only category
Param body.skus[0] .inventory[0] .warehouse_id is invalid