Inventory control

Updated on July 4, 2024


Why use inventory control?

The Inventory Control feature allows you to set a maximum quantity value that will be displayed on your channel. When a sale occurs, the quantity in Nembol decreases, but the quantity set in Inventory Control remains visible on the channel until the inventory is sold out.

This can be useful for generating a feeling of scarcity among buyers and allows you to align quantities with the sales limits given by channels.

How to manage Inventory control setting?

To manage your Inventory control:

  • Open Nembol.
  • Go to the Channels tab.
  • Click on Sync settings, and go to the “Inventory control” section.
  • Here, you can set the SKUs quantity you would like to display on channels.

Screenshot 1: Inventory Control setting.

Please note that the Inventory control feature is currently only available for eBay and Etsy.